Many times, during class, in general research and while skimming through websites I have found the words "mass market produced" usually followed by "paperback". When you go to the local book store, whether a Borders, B & N, Half Price or even, you might pick up several paperbacks. I have some friends who only like hard cover and now my mom is reading hard cover more than paper back--physically cleaner than the paperbacks at Half Price in her mind.
Those paper backs are usually "mass market produced". This means they were printed by the thousands and shuffled off as fast as possible to book stores around the world. Ok maybe around the continent. [As a side note, you should see how many are published in other countries with different covers.] Some are reprinted enough times that I actually have 1-2 in my collection with 12 and 14 indicating up to 14 reprints of the same edition!
What makes these so enticing, so appealing to the public? One is the cost. Hard cover typically costs two to three times the amount of paperback. I think paper back is catching up in price. The publishers have realized the appeals. Another appeal is the size. I do not like hard cover because they are big and bulky and HEAVY. Paper is so much more pliant and lighter. [Insert comments that Kindle and Sony Readers are even more so--pooh to you! I like my BOOKS!] A third appeal is the easy of storage. Many paperbacks will double stack, one row in front of the other, easily on a book shelf. They are similar in size, unless you get those new fangled "larger print". The hard covers may vary in size, but also take up more space and you cannot double stack them as easily, thus you lose at least 1/2 the storage area. Cheap, small, easily stored--what's not to love?
Author talk and book signing at Alpenglow
1 week ago
I'm personally rather a fan of the Kindle, which is much greener, in the sense that you don't need to cut down the trees to make the books. Kindle also has an iPhone app (which I use) that allows one to buy and read books on the go. And the iPhone and Kindle stack much easier on a shelf and weigh less than BOOKS!