YUCK! How would you like to "take" a cure for disease that meant you could not eat anything other than tomato water, aspargus water, oj, and daily enemas for nearly 2 months??! Claire & Dora Williamson did just that with horrible results. Certainly not the "cure" they were looking for when they started.
I just finished Starvation Heights. It's historical non-fiction about "Dr." Linda Burfield Hazzard's starvation diet and the death of a British heiress. It's set in Ollala, WA. Claire was just in her 30's when she died. Her sister Dora was rescued in time from the same fate and eventually, with the help of a family nanny, set in motion events that would cause the doctor to be convicted of manslaughter.
Written in 1997, it has not been greatly promoted in the Twin Cities. I would suggest to anyone interested in either the Pacific Northwest, Washington State, early 20th Century crime or weird medical fads to check this one out!
Author talk and book signing at Alpenglow
1 week ago
Keep em coming. I might get some good book ideas from you. I haven't found anything good to read in months.